ICSC | Palm Springs Convention Center | Booth #620
CategoriesICSC Western Convention

ICSC | Palm Springs Convention Center | Booth #620

This year’s ICSC Western Division Conference is less than a month away.

And after 18 years of bouncing between San Diego and Los Angeles, this year’s event is returning to where it all began… The Palm Springs Convention Center!

The proceedings are slated for September 23-25, 2024 – And CBM1 is proudly exhibiting.

If you’re attending the conference, swing by Booth #620 and say hello to our industry-leading retail real estate leasing and sale team.

Interested in booking an appointment? Don’t delay, our dance card is filling up! Connect with our Team or reach out directly to Geoff Grossman, CBM1’s Co-Managing Principal.

In the meantime, we look forward to seeing you there!